Who am I? A question I've heard many times before, but what is the answer? I am a girl. I am human.
My name is Anna and I'm 19 years old, born in 1994. The day I was born, everyone in America was celebrating and they filled the sky with fireworks. Ever since, they have always celebrated my birthday... At least I like to think that. If you haven't figured it out, I was born on the 4th of July. All the girls in my family are born on special days and holidays. Me, my big sister and my mum.
In my spare time I like to sit with the computer in my lap and play computer games (in English), read manga or fan fiction (in English), watch or listen to gaming videos (in English), watch movies (in English), write text based roll play (in English) and look at my friends' pictures on http://dayviews.com. I also collect Asian dolls, so called "BJDs" or "Ball-Jointed Dolls", and make jewelry and flower wreaths that I sell to others in the hobby. Since I'm on the internet all day every day I almost only read and write in English, and for some reason me and my room mate talk mostly in English (with a horrible Swedish accent, though) to each other.
When I was in 2nd grade my mother got a brain tumor and had to go to the hospital for a long time. That - and the fact that she got a cyst in her tummy two years later and we (the kids) didn't get to know really what it was (they said it was kinda the same thing) - is probably one of the reasons to why I got depressed in 5-6th and has been from time to time ever since. Because of my latest depression I haven't been able to finish my studies the two times I've tried, but I'm okay now so I hope to get a degree and prove to myself that I can do things. I'm not a failure.
My goals for this course (Engelska 5, but also 6) is to at least finish it without failing to do any missions/"uppdrag". I won't be happy with less than a B though since I'm a perfectionist and would like to be perfect at everything and have perfect grades. I doubt that will be possible, but I'll do my best and hopefully I won't feel too bad if I don't get the grade I want.
I still don't know what I want to do in the future when it comes to a "real" job, but I would like to finish my studies, release a book, record a CD, exhibit my drawings and photographs and make my own dolls to sell all over the world. Also, I'd like to get a house with a big garden - with flowers, trees, hiding spots where you can read or write alone, a pond and streams with a couple of ducks, and a big circle of mosaic with sun chairs and the open sky - close to my family and earn enough money to be able to make monthly donations to different charities. (And build a church that accepts everyone, and make a place where homeless people can come and stay and get help and education, and lots more things I dream about. I dream big.)